Results for 'Dana Alice Heller'

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  1.  53
    Neuropsychological Correlates of Arousal in Self-reported Emotion.Wendy Heller, Jack B. Nitschke & Dana L. Lindsay - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 11 (4):383-402.
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    Shooting Solanas: Radical Feminist History and the Technology of Failure.Dana Heller - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (1):167-189.
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    Feminist Time Against Nation Time: Gender, Politics, and the Nation-State in an Age of Permanent War.Elizabeth Grosz, Dana Heller, E. Ann Kaplan, Julia Kristeva, Kelly Oliver & Benigno Trigo (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Feminist Time Against Nation Time offers a series of essays that explore the complex and oftentimes contradictory relationship between feminism and nationalism through a problematization of contemporality. The collection pursues the following questions: how do the specific temporalities of nationalism and war limit and delimit public spaces in which dissent might happen; and how might we account for the often contradictory and ambiguous relationship of "feminism" and "nationalism" through an exploration of the problem of time?
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    Copy-paste kultura. Od "Mehaničke mlade" do copy-paste kulture.Sead Alić - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1):63-74.
    Svijest o tehničkoj reproduktibilnosti umjetničkog djela povela nas je iz područja promišljanja umjetničkog djela prema estetizaciji svakodnevice , društvu spektakla, mekdonaldizaciji i diznijevskoj amerikanizaciji kulture cijeloga svijeta.Umnažanje je postalo ponavljanje koje zavodi, odnosno uspostavlja nove odnose kulturne i svake druge ovisnosti. Pokazalo se da u svijetu »množina« vladaju zakonitosti koje određuju današnjeg čovjeka više nego je to filozofija spremna detektirati. Snaga i uvjerljivost epa danas je sadržana u malim sloganima, uz pomoć kojih se upravlja javnim mnijenjem i masama massmedijski oblikovanih (...)
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    The Global Village.Sead Alić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):51-61.
    Da je svijet postao globalnim selom danas čujemo gotovo svakodnevno, na bilo kojoj geografskoj širini. McLuhanova metafora gotovo da je na mitski zoran način oslikala procese koji se zbivaju u suvremenom nam svijetu i kao takva postala je općepoznatom i općeprihvaćenom. Ovaj rad istražuje na koje je načine »globalno selo« najavilo globalizaciju.Marshall McLuhan je inače, već od djela Mechanical Bride počeo prepoznavati i najavljivati trendove koji će kasnije uistinu postati globalnima: od poruka oglasne industrije, promjene recepcije medija koji nam donose (...)
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    How memory survives: Descendants of Auschwitz survivors and the progenic tattoo.Alice Bloch - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 168 (1):107-122.
    The impact of the Holocaust on the descendants of survivors and the ways in which they embrace, embody and memorialise their family histories is the subject of this paper. The paper explores intergenerational storytelling and silences about the Holocaust through the lens of the number that was tattooed on the bodies of inmates in the Auschwitz complex and has been replicated on the bodies of some survivor descendants. The number has become a symbol of the crimes of the Holocaust though (...)
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    Arendt and Heidegger: The Fate of the Political.Dana Richard Villa - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Theodor Adorno once wrote an essay to "defend Bach against his devotees." In this book Dana Villa does the same for Hannah Arendt, whose sweeping reconceptualization of the nature and value of political action, he argues, has been covered over and domesticated by admirers who had hoped to enlist her in their less radical philosophical or political projects. Against the prevailing "Aristotelian" interpretation of her work, Villa explores Arendt's modernity, and indeed her postmodernity, through the Heideggerian and Nietzschean theme (...)
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  8. Grim Reaper Paradoxes and Patchwork Principles: Severing the Case for Finitism.Troy Dana & Joseph C. Schmid - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Benardete paradoxes involve infinite collections of Grim Reapers, assassins, demons, deafening peals, or even sentences. These paradoxes have recently been used in arguments for finitist metaphysical theses such as temporal finitism, causal finitism, and discrete views of time. Here we develop a new finite Benardete-like paradox. We then use this paradox to defend a companions in guilt argument that challenges recent applications of patchwork principles on behalf of the aforementioned finitist arguments. Finally, we develop another problem for those applications by (...)
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  9. Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Dana Richard Villa - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Hannah Arendt's rich and varied political thought is more influential today than ever before, due in part to the collapse of communism and the need for ideas that move beyond the old ideologies of the Cold War. As Dana Villa shows, however, Arendt's thought is often poorly understood, both because of its complexity and because her fame has made it easy for critics to write about what she is reputed to have said rather than what she actually wrote. Villa (...)
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  10. On engendering an illusion of understanding.Dana Scott - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (21):787-807.
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    (1 other version)Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory.J. L. Bell & Dana Scott - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (1):165-165.
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    Public Freedom.Dana Villa - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Villa critically examines, among other topics, the promise and limits of civil society and associational life as sources of democratic renewal; the effects of mass media on the public arena; and the problematic but still necessary ideas of civic competence and democratic maturity."--BOOK JACKET.
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    (1 other version)Logic with denumerably long formulas and finite strings of quantifiers.Dana Scott - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):1104--329.
  14. Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Dana R. Villa - 2001 - Mind 110 (437):277-280.
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  15. Socratic Citizenship.Dana Villa - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (6):888-891.
  16.  34
    When music “flows”. State and trait in musical performance, composition and listening: a systematic review.Alice Chirico, Silvia Serino, Pietro Cipresso, Andrea Gaggioli & Giuseppe Riva - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A temporally sustained implicit theory of mind deficit in autism spectrum disorders.Dana Schneider, Virginia P. Slaughter, Andrew P. Bayliss & Paul E. Dux - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):410-417.
    Eye movements during false-belief tasks can reveal an individual's capacity to implicitly monitor others' mental states (theory of mind - ToM). It has been suggested, based on the results of a single-trial-experiment, that this ability is impaired in those with a high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), despite neurotypical-like performance on explicit ToM measures. However, given there are known attention differences and visual hypersensitivities in ASD it is important to establish whether such impairments are evident over time. In addition, investigating implicit (...)
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  18.  49
    Identity and Existence in Intuitionistic Logic.Dana Scott, M. P. Fourman, C. J. Mulvey & D. S. Scott - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):548-549.
  19.  6
    Ernst Mach.Karl Daniel Heller - 1964 - New York,: Springer Verlag.
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    Lukács revalued.Agnes Heller (ed.) - 1983 - Oxford, England: Blackwell.
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    Studies on Nietzsche.Peter Heller - 1980 - Bonn: Bouvier.
  22.  4
    Studien zur modernen Literatur.Erich Heller - 1963 - Suhrkamp.
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  23.  15
    Hannah Arendt: a very short introduction.Dana Richard Villa - 2023 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This Very Short Introduction explores the philosophical ideas and political theories of Hannah Arendt (1906-1975). As a survivor of the Holocaust, Arendt's life informed her work exploring the meaning and construction of power, evil, totalitarianism, and direct democracy. Through insightful readings of Arendt's best-known works, from The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951) to The Life of the Mind (1978), Dana Villa traces the importance of Arendt's ideas for today's reader. In so doing, Villa explains how Arendt gained world-wide fame with (...)
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  24. Moral responsibility, conversation, and desert: comments on Michael McKenna’s conversation and responsibility.Dana Kay Nelkin - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 171 (1):63-72.
    In this paper, I engage with several of the intriguing theses Michael McKenna puts forward in his Conversation and Responsibility. For example, I examine McKenna’s claim that the fact that an agent is morally responsible for an action and the fact that an agent is appropriately held responsible explain each other. I go on to argue that despite the importance of the ability to hold people responsible, an agent’s being morally responsible for an action is explanatorily fundamental, and in this (...)
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  25.  11
    The Futures of American Studies.Robyn Wiegman & Donald E. Pease (eds.) - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    Originating as a proponent of U.S. exceptionalism during the Cold War, American Studies has now reinvented itself, vigorously critiquing various kinds of critical hegemony and launching innovative interdisciplinary endeavors. _The Futures of American Studies_ considers the field today and provides important deliberations on what it might yet become. Essays by both prominent and emerging scholars provide theoretically engaging analyses of the postnational impulse of current scholarship, the field's historical relationship to social movements, the status of theory, the state of higher (...)
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    Out of the Womb: The Future of the Uterine Metaphor.Alice Adams - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (2):269.
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  27. Index.Dana Villa - 2008 - In Public Freedom. Princeton University Press. pp. 421-438.
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    Social and ethical issues in science education: A prelude to action.Dana L. Zeidler & Troy D. Sadler - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (8-9):799-803.
  29. 6 The Frankfurt School and the Public Sphere.Dana Villa - 2008 - In Public Freedom. Princeton University Press. pp. 143-209.
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    The Work of Psychoanalysis: Sexuality, Time and the Psychoanalytic Mind.Dana Birksted-Breen - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalysts working in clinical situations are constantly confronted with the struggle between conservative forces and those which enable something new to develop. Continuity and change, stasis and transformation, are the major themes discussed in _The Work of Psychoanalysis_, and address the fundamental question: How does and how can change take place? _The Work of Psychoanalysis_ explores the underlying coherence of the complex linked issues of theory and practice. Drawing on clinical cases from her own experience in the consulting room (...) Birksted-Breen focuses on what takes place between patient and analyst, giving a picture of the interlocking and overlapping vertices that make up the work needed in psychoanalysis. Some of the key topics covered include: sexuality; aspects of female identity; eating disorders; time; dreams; disturbances in modalities of thought; and terminating psychoanalysis. This book draws different traditions into a coherent theoretical position with consequences for the mode of working analytically. _The Work of Psychoanalysis_ will appeal to psychoanalysts and academics in psychoanalysis, psychotherapists, as well as postgraduate students studying courses in these fields. (shrink)
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    Simulated Mortality—We Can Do More.Andrew T. Goldberg, Benjamin J. Heller, Jesse Hochkeppel, Adam I. Levine & Samuel Demaria - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):495-504.
    :High-fidelity simulation is a relatively new teaching modality, which is gaining widespread acceptance in medical education. To date, dozens of studies have proven the usefulness of HFS in improving student, resident, and attending physician performance, with similar results in the allied health fields. Although many studies have analyzed the utility of simulation, few have investigated why it works. A recent study illustrated that permissive failure, leading to simulated mortality, is one HFS method that can improve long-term performance. Critics maintain, however, (...)
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  32. Aparavādaḥ.Madhusūdana Ojhā - 1992 - Jodhapuram: Paṇḍita-Madhusūdana-Ojhā-Śodha-Prakoṣṭhaḥ, Saṃskr̥ta-Vibhāgaḥ, Jayanārāyaṇavyāsaviśvavidyālayaḥ. Edited by Dayānanda Bhārgava.
    On the basic concepts of the philosophy of the Vedas.
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  33. Nādabrahmōpāsana.Madhusūdana Sarasvati - 1991 - Kēśvapaṭnaṃ, Karīnngar Jillā: Prāptisthānamu, Svāmi Madhusūdana Sarasvati.
    On musical patterns and meditation towards realization of Nada Brahman.
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  34. 7 Genealogies of Total Domination: Arendt, Adorno, and Auschwitz.Dana Villa - 2008 - In Public Freedom. Princeton University Press. pp. 210-254.
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    The rise of cryptographic metaphors in Boyle and their use for the mechanical philosophy.Dana Matthiessen - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 73:8-21.
    This paper tracks the development of Boyle’s conception of the natural world in terms of the popular “book of nature” trope. Boyle initially spoke of the creatures and phenomena of nature in a spiritual and moral register, as emblems of divine purpose, but gradually shifted from this ideographic view to an alphabetical account, which at times became posed in explicitly cryptographic terms. I explain this transition toward cryptographic metaphors in terms of Boyle’s social and intellectual milieu and their concordance with (...)
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  36. When little things are big things : The importance of relationships for nurses' professional practice.Dana Beth Weinberg - 2006 - In Sioban Nelson & Suzanne Gordon, The Complexities of Care: Nursing Reconsidered. Cornell University Press.
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    The Sentential Calculus with Infinitely Long Expressions.Dana Scott & Alfred Tarski - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):95-95.
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  38. Amor Fati.Dana Trusso - 2023 - The Agonist : A Nietzsche Circle Journal 17 (1):1-2.
    A deeply personal reckoning with family, mental illness, and suicide, Dana Trusso captures the meaning of Nietzsche's armor fati--to love one's fate--through her surreal imagery and longing to heal intergenerational wounds. Lines are drawn from Lars von Trier's Melancholia, Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star, and lines she read from her aunt's journals as a child. -/- The photo is a sculpture of an earth goddess by Jean-Philippe Richard located in the botanical gardens of Èze, France. (...)
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    Differing conceptions of personhood within the psychology and philosophy of Mary whiton Calkins.Dana Noelle McDonald - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (4):753 - 768.
    : This paper examines the ethical status of animals and nature within the thought of Mary Whiton Calkins. Though Calkins held that her self-psychology and absolute personalistic idealism were compatible in many ways, the two schools of thought offer different conceptions of personhood with respect to animals and nature. On the one hand, Calkins's self-psychology classified animals and nature as non-persons, due to the fact that self-psychology viewed animals and nature as physical entities bereft of the psychical qualities necessary for (...)
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    Bibliography.Dana Villa - 1995 - In Dana Richard Villa, Arendt and Heidegger: The Fate of the Political. Princeton University Press. pp. 313-322.
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    (1 other version)Chapter five. Democratizing the agon: Nietzsche, Arendt, and the agonistic tendency in recent political theory.Dana Villa - 1999 - In Dana Richard Villa, Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt. Princeton University Press. pp. 107-127.
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    Experimental evidence for a minimalist account of English resumptive pronouns.Dana McDaniel & Wayne Cowart - 1999 - Cognition 70 (2):15-24.
    In this article we provide evidence for a Minimalist account of English-type resumptive pronouns. Our findings provide empirical support for syntactic theories that, like Minimalist accounts, allow for competition among derivations. According to our account, resumptive pronouns are spell-outs of traces. For reasons of economy, the resumptive pronoun surfaces only when the derivation with the trace is precluded by syntactic principles. This account predicts that resumptive pronouns should only improve violations of constraints on representation, and not violations of constraints on (...)
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    Pupil response to negative emotional information in individuals at risk for depression.Dana Steidtmann, Rick E. Ingram & Greg J. Siegle - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (3):480-496.
  44.  14
    “Inside Out of Mind”: Alternative Realities, Dementia and Graphic Medicine.Laboni Das & Sathyaraj Venkatesan - 2024 - Journal of Medical Humanities 45 (2):171-184.
    Graphic medicine, an interdisciplinary field situated at the crossroads of comics and healthcare, operates as a medium through which the intricate nature of experiences with illness can be articulated, challenging orthodox medical dogmatism in an engaging and accessible way. Combining the affordances of comics and the narrative power of storytelling, graphic medicine elucidates the socio-cultural stigmatization of dementia influenced by a multitude of discourses. Diverging from existing discourses that depict individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) as zombies, brain-dead, or empty shells, (...)
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    UK clothing retailers squeezing suppliers.Alice G. Lewthwaite-Page - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (1):17–20.
    As major clothing suppliers are being forced by competition to cut costs, is this inevitably leading their suppliers to cut corners in working conditions, and what ethical considerations are relevant? The author is completing her MBA at London Business School and has a background in the textile industry.
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  46. Jagadguruvaibhavam: mūla evaṃ anuvāda.Madhusūdana Ojhā - 1990 - Jodhapura: Rājasthānī Granthāgāra. Edited by Padmadhara Pāṭhaka.
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    McEducation marginalized: Multiverse of learning-living in grassroots commons.Madhu Suri Prakash & Dana Stuchul - 2004 - Educational Studies 36 (1).
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  48. 3 Hegel, Tocqueville, and “Individualism”.Dana Villa - 2008 - In Public Freedom. Princeton University Press. pp. 49-84.
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  49. Criminal law for humans.Alice Ristroph - 2012 - In David Dyzenhaus & Thomas Poole, Hobbes and the law. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Max Weber: Integrity, Disenchantment, and the Illusions of Politics.Dana Villa - 1999 - Constellations 6 (4):540-560.
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